Guy's I hope you all are doing well. Today I am going to write about Daisy flower. Daisy flower is very familiar to us.
The scientific name of the daisy flower is Bellis perennis, it belongs to the Asteraceae family. Though it is native to Europe but it has become widely across the whole world.
Daisy flower
The name "Daisy" originates from the Old English phrase "day's eye," referring to how the flower opens during the day and closes at night. It's quite interesting!
Daisy flower meaning
Daisy flower have a deep meaning and it can vary upon different cultures and society.
In some culture daisy flower refers to the purity and innocence.white petals of the daisy flower often represent purity and childhood innocence.
Daisy flower also refers to the symbol of new beginnings. Because Daisies close at night and reopen during the day, this process of this flower symbolizes a fresh start.
This flower also have been used for centuries in romantic context, that's why it refers True Love and Loyalty in some culture and society.
Daisy flower photos
Daisy flowers are loved by many people because of its endless beautiful. These are few photos of daisy flower.
Purple daisy flower
Though all types and colors of daisy flower is beautiful but few people love Purple daisy flower. Here are some photos of Purple daisy flower, you may like.
Yellow daisy flower
Guys! If you are looking for yellow daisy flower, then you are in the right place. Here you will get different types of yellow daisy flower.
Pink daisy flower
Pink is a symbol of love. Pink daisy flower is always looks so attractive and adorable.
Blue daisy flower
There are vary color's of daisy flower. One of them is blue daisy flower. Blue daisy flower is rare compared to other colors. This Blue daisy flower look so beautiful and attractive.
Red daisy flower
As I have told before there are various types of daisy flower based on their color. So, red daisy flower is one of them.
Daisy flower bouquet
Daisy flower is usually an attractive flower. But it looks more attractive as bouquet. Here are few charming picture of daisy flower bouquet.
African daisy flower
Currently african daisy flower emerged as one of the most attractive daisy flower in the world. Here is the picture of the african daisy flower. It's called African purple daisy flower.
So, guys these was all about Daisy flower. I hope you guys find it useful. (N:B: these photos are collected from internet. If you have any allegations please comment here. I will remove the photo. Thank you.)
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